Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Double Entry Journal #9

Chapter 1: A strange fact about not learning to read.

1. What is the strange fact about not learning to read?

It seems that children in the minority have more trouble learning to read then children raised in the middle to upper class.

2. Why is this fact so strange?
I find this strange because those same "minority" children don't usually have the same troubles in other activities (i.e. sports, video games, music). I think a lot of it has to do with the enforcement on education in the home, but I won't get into that...

3. What is it about school that manages to transform children who are good at learning things like Pokeman into children who are not good at learning?
I think it is either the school's lack of knowledge or understanding about the students culture.

4. What is the difference between a traditionalist approach to learning to read and more progressive educators? 
Traditionalists believe learning to read is an instruction based process while progressive educators believe learning to read is a more natural approach.

5. Is learning to read a natural process like learning to speak a language?
No. I believe learning to read is something that has to be taught; just like learning how to zip up a jacket, button a coat, or tie your shoes.

6. What is the difference between natural, instructed, and cultural processes and which process should reading be classified under?
A natural process is something we do instinctively as humans. Instructed processes are were the child is being taught information (i.e. school). Cultural processes are those we learn based on the culture around us.

7. How do humans learn best? Through instructional processes or through cultural processes? How is reading taught in school?
I think that students learn through both ways. They learn by an instructional process while at school and a cultural process while at home or out of school.

8. According to the author, what is the reason for the "fourth grade slump"?
Fourth graders have a very difficult time reading in the content area.

9. What is a better predictor of reading success than phonemic awareness?
Observing how well a student does with language before entering school.

10. What is the difference between "vernacular" and "specialist" varieties of language? Give and example of two sentences, one written in the vernacular and one written in a "specialized variety," about a topic in your content area. 
Vernacular is the way that one speaks to another on a daily basis. Specialist language is a more proper and refined language.
A vernacular sentence could be taken from the movie "Wizard of Oz"; "There's a storm blowing up Silvester; A WHOPPER! To speak in the vernacular or the peasantry."
A Specialized example is, "There is a storm coming this way. It looks to be very large!"

11. What is "early language ability" and how is it developed?

Early language ability is developed at an early age and it is when the child has been introduced to vocabulary, phonics, and other means of speaking and reading before they reach the Pre-K or Kindergarten level in school.

12. According to the author why and how does the traditionalist approach to teaching children to read fail? 
It fails because children are more accustomed to hearing language in their own vernacular. At school reading is more on an academic basis which may not be comfortable for most students.

13. Are parents of poor children to blame for their children's inexperience with specialized varieties of language before coming to school?
I believe the parents are to blame! Teachers can only do so much in a school day. We aren't super heros! we can supply the students with everything they need to succeed, but if it's not reinforced at home then it makes all of the teachers efforts a bit worthless. I know some may say "Well, what if the parents didn't receive a good education?" If this is the case then I would have to point the blame at the parents of the parent. If I were in that situation, I would look at my parents and their life and ask myself one question: Do I want better than them? If the answer is yes, then i feel that any person would strive to get better.

14. Did you struggle with reading this text? Why? Are you a poor reader or are you unfamiliar with this variety of specialized language?
I'm in the middle... I can read and comprehend well, but I just find the book very boring. As I mentioned in my previous journal entry, I have a hard time reading books that do not catch my interest. I am trying to get through as best as possible. 

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