Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Double Entry Journal #14

Chapter 7: Shape-Shifting; Chapter 8: A Final Word, the content fetish

1. What was the most interesting idea you encountered as you read the chapter?
I agree with Gee when dealing with the topic of success. He believes that each student has a different level of success and you should base success on an individual level, not a group.

2. What connections can you make between Gee's critique and Sir Ken Robinson's critique of traditional schooling?
I think they both are proprietors of creativity. Gee mentioned the use of video games as a teaching tool. This would aid in the immersion of learning. I also feel that this is a very creative way of learning and it also boosts a creative mind. Sir Ken Robinson talked about the way that creativity builds a students intelligence through the immersion.  

3. How did this book change or support your understanding of good teaching?
I found myself confused at times while reading this book, but if I had to pick something that will stick with me while in the teaching field I would have to say that students learn by experiences within their own cultural structure. Students learn through experiences in a particular interest and not just on a whim. 

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