Thursday, December 13, 2012

Double Entry Journal #15

All I really need to know (About creative Thinking) I learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten

"Instead of making kindergarten like the rest of school, we need to make the rest of school (indeed, the rest of life) more like kindergarten."

I agree with this quote. I think schools today just teach for a test. Students are missing very important life goals as well as being forced out of classes due to scheduling issues that could be avoided. I have witnessed a few students that want to take a certain class because it is going to be beneficial for them in their college career, but the public schools are not allowing them to take them.

"...most schools are out-of-step with today's needs..."

As mentioned before, I feel that schools are teaching kids the material that is going to be on a test and not material that will stick with them in the real world. 

"Children with different interests and different learning styles can all use the same materials, but each in his or her own personal way."

I agree with this quote because I have had personal experiences with this. Some students learn quicker or pick up on things quicker than others, but that doesn't mean they can't learn just as much. I think this can be related to how different people read. Some are fast readers and some are slow readers. The important thing is not the speed of reading, but the comprehension.
Kindergarten Creativity

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Double Entry Journal #14

Chapter 7: Shape-Shifting; Chapter 8: A Final Word, the content fetish

1. What was the most interesting idea you encountered as you read the chapter?
I agree with Gee when dealing with the topic of success. He believes that each student has a different level of success and you should base success on an individual level, not a group.

2. What connections can you make between Gee's critique and Sir Ken Robinson's critique of traditional schooling?
I think they both are proprietors of creativity. Gee mentioned the use of video games as a teaching tool. This would aid in the immersion of learning. I also feel that this is a very creative way of learning and it also boosts a creative mind. Sir Ken Robinson talked about the way that creativity builds a students intelligence through the immersion.  

3. How did this book change or support your understanding of good teaching?
I found myself confused at times while reading this book, but if I had to pick something that will stick with me while in the teaching field I would have to say that students learn by experiences within their own cultural structure. Students learn through experiences in a particular interest and not just on a whim.