Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Double Entry Journal #11

Chaper 4: Simulations and Bodies

1. What does the author means when he says, "Learning doesn't work well when learners are focused to check their bodies at the school room door like guns in the old West."
I think the author means that children learn better when their school activities are more hands on. Personally, I enjoyed school the most when I was able to be up and about in class and could do some real hands on learning in class. I can still remember a lot of science experiments I did in the 3rd grade because the teacher allowed us to not just listen to a lecture on how to do the experiment, but she had us perform the experiment in class. Kids today seem to just sit in class and don't really get the full value of being completely involved in class.

2. According to the author, what is the best way to acquire a large vocabulary?
You can obtain a large vocabulary by your experiences in a certain setting. For example, I use a lot of terminology in my music classes, therefore a student in that class will acquire that vocabulary during that time.

3.What gives a word specific meaning?
The context of the word is what gives a word a specific meaning.

4. What does the term "off the hook" mean in each other these sentences?
     a. My sister broke up with her fiance, so I'm off the hook for buying her a wedding present.
I no longer have to purchase a present. 

     b. Them shoes are off the hook dog.
The shoes are really awesome!

       c. Man that cat was fighting 6 people and he beat them all. Yo, it was "off the hook", you should have seen it!!
It was really awesome!

5. According to the author what is the "work" of childhood? Do you agree?
The author states that play is the "work" of childhood. I agree with this because I believe a child at play is one who can use his/her imagination which also keeps the mind sharp and focused. In some ways technology has ruined our children in today's society. They are being raised by the TV, computer, and "learning video games" like leapster. These might be modern tools or methods of learning, but I also see a lot of kids who have no idea of how to go outside and play... 

6. Why is NOT reading the instruction for how to play a game before playing a game a wise decision?
By not reading the instructions the person is practicing trial and error. I don't know if I fully agree with this or not. I'm the kind of person that reads the instructions. I like to know what I'm suppose to do before I just try and make a mistake.

7.Does knowing the general or literal meaning of a word lead to strong reading skills?
I think that both coincide. The literal meaning of a word can help you when reading. The general meaning of a word can lead the reader to other ways the word can be used which builds the vocabulary.

8. What does the author mean by the terms "identity" and "game"? Give an example of 3 "identities" or "games" you play.
The author is referring to identity as the actions that define a person.
1. I am very involved in music.
2. I am a teacher.
3. I am a composer.

9. According to the author what is good learning?
Good learning is learning that will have an affect of the persons life for a greater cause and can create a better future.

10. How does understanding that being able to build a mental model and simulations of a real-word experience is closely tied to comprehending written and oral language support of change the way you think children should learn in school?
I believe that students learn at a greater rate when they can participate in hands-on activities. I also believe that while talking about the hands-on activity you are also increasing the written and oral language support.

11. Why is peer to peer interaction so important for the language development of young children? How does knowing this support or change the way you think children should learn in school?
Interaction with peers is a very important step in learning because it builds oral, social, and mental skills. By having students interact with each other in a classroom you are increasing their sense of self and are allowing them to get to know others and find similarities between their peers.  

1 comment:

  1. Good understanding of why it is important to create an authentic context for language and literacy learning!
