Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Excel Grade Assignment

Today in class we continued our exploration with Microsoft Excel. A pre-designed spreadsheet was made that contained student names, class grades and test  scores, and a project score. Our assignment was to determine the following information:
1. Minimum and Maximum grade for each assignment/test.
2. The range of each assignment/test.
3. The average score for each assignment/test.
4. The average grade per student.
5. The letter grade for each student.

Using certain formulas, the above information was easy to figure out. The class also learned what a "handle" was and how to use it. This made acquiring all the above mentioned information extremely easy and quick! Apart from just simply figuring these figures out, the class had to convert averages into letter grades for each student. Again, using the handle, this was very easy to do. Please feel free to take a look at the finished project by clicking   --------> Grades

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